What is the CGIAR Fund?
It is a new multi-donor, multi-year trust fund that supports international agricultural research aligned with the CGIAR’s Strategy and Results Framework which defines shared research goals, objectives and expected results.
Where do the funds come from?
Funds are contributed by Fund Donors.
What are the requirements for becoming a Fund Donor?
Any donor that is deemed eligible by the Fund Council and contributes a minimum of USD 100,000 a year to the CGIAR may join the CGIAR Fund as a Fund Donor.
How can donors contribute to the Fund?
Resources can be deposited in the Fund after signing a Contribution Agreement / Arrangement with the Trustee. This also indicates the Windows to which the donor wishes to contribute. Contributions for future years can be included in the original agreement or through amendments to it at a later date. Forms for making contributions and details of how to do so can be downloaded here.
Can Fund Donors specify the use of their funds?
Fund Donors may designate their contribution to one or more of three funding “Windows”:
- Window 1 ‑ Contributions to Window 1 represent the least restricted type of funding. The Fund Council sets overall priorities and makes specific decisions about the use of Window 1 Funds such as allocation to CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), payment of System Costs and any other use required to achieve the CGIAR mission;
- Window 2 – Contributions to Window 2 are designated by Fund Donors to one or more specific CRPs. For each approved CRP, a sub-account is created to which donors may allocate funds. Once Window 2 funds are allocated to a given CRP, they flow to the Lead Center implementing the CRP;
- Window 3 – Window 3 contributions are the most restricted type of funding, consisting of funds that Fund Donors wish to allocate to specific Centers. Neither the Consortium nor the Fund Council makes decisions about the use of Window 3 funds. Within 2 years after the CGIAR Fund’s establishment, the Fund Council will review the use of Window 3 in consultation with the Consortium Board.
What happens if a given CRP is oversubscribed in the Fund (that is, donors allocate more than enough resources to cover its costs)?
Window 2 sub-accounts for CRPs cannot receive funds in excess of the total budget components for the Fund approved by the Fund Council. Funds received in excess of the total approved budget amount for a CRP (Window 2) may be deposited into Window 1 (or refunded), as determined on a pro rata basis for each contributing Fund Donor.
What percentage of current CGIAR donors intends to contribute to the CGIAR Fund?
Almost all of the top 20 donors to the CGIAR have indicated their intention to contribute to the CGIAR Fund, and most have already entered into Contribution Agreements/Arrangements with the Trustee.
Which Fund Window currently receives the most funds?
As of end-April 2011, Window 1 had received the most pledged support.
What are the requirements for the Fund to disburse available resources?
- A Consortium Performance Agreement (CPA) is signed by the Consortium and Fund Council for each CRP. It will attach the approved CRP proposal setting out how that CRP will be implemented and assessed.
- A Performance Implementation Agreement (PIA) is signed by the Consortium with the Lead Center carrying out each CRP.
- A payment request is sent by the Consortium to the Trustee, which disburses available funds to the Lead Centers.
Who is responsible for day-to-day management of the Fund?
The World Bank is the limited Trustee of the Fund. It is responsible for receiving, investing and disbursing funds to the CGIAR on instruction of the Fund Council. It has fiduciary responsibility for funds contributed to the CGIAR Fund until these are disbursed at which time the World Bank, as Trustee, has no responsibility for the funds.
Who is responsible for Fund governance?
The Fund’s decision-making body is the Fund Council. The Fund Council is composed of 22 members who represent and make decisions on behalf of Fund Donors and stakeholders.
How is the Fund Council structured?
The Fund Council has 22 seats composed of donor countries, multilateral and global organizations and representatives from the South. Allocation of seats is as follows: Donor Countries – 8, Developing countries & regional organizations – 8, and multilateral and global organizations & foundations – 6.
Click here to read more about the Fund Council membership.
How does a donor become a Fund Council Member?
Fund Donors that contribute an average minimum of US $500,000 a year are eligible to serve as Fund Council members. Eligible Fund Council donors join their respective constituencies which nominate its representative(s) on the Fund Council.
How long do individuals serve on the Fund Council?
Members are expected to maintain their participation in the Fund Council for three years.
How else can donors and others have a say in CGIAR funding and related issues?
The biennial Funders Forum – which brings together Fund Donors, bilateral funders and other invited stakeholders – provides an opportunity for participants to endorse the CGIAR’s Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) as proposed by the Consortium, review and endorse the cost structure and financing plan for CGIAR-wide functions, and express their views about the CGIAR generally. Click here to read more about the Funders Forum.
What kind of reporting can donors expect on their contributions to the Fund?
The Trustee of the CGIAR Fund will provide donors with quarterly financial reports, while the Consortium will provide reports on the use of Fund resources.
Who has fiduciary responsibility for the use or misuse of funds?
The Consortium has the fiduciary responsibility for the use of funds and is directly responsible to the donors.
Can the Fund finance any CGIAR research?
The Fund supports only research that implements the Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) under CRPs submitted by the Consortium. The SRF sets out the common goals, strategic objectives and results to be achieved by the CGIAR and was approved in updated form at the April 2011 Funders Forum. The Consortium decides, in consultation with the Fund Council, on the eligibility of activities for Fund support. The CGIAR Fund does not finance projects proposed by multilateral institutions or governments.
Can the Fund support other activities other than CRPs?
In addition to CRPs, the Fund also pays for the other costs for overall CGIAR operations, referred to as System Costs.
What are System Costs?
System Costs are necessary components of the CGIAR structure for the efficient and effective provision of quality support services. These are the costs associated with the overall operations of the CGIAR and should be paid by all donors. Such costs are incurred by the Fund Office, Trustee, Consortium Board and Office, Independent Science and Partnership Council, and Independent Evaluation Arrangement.
How are System Costs financed?
System Costs are financed through a levy – called the “cost-sharing percentage” (CSP) – on all contributions to the CGIAR, whether or not these are channelled through the Fund. The CSP collected is allocated to Window 1.
Can CGIAR partner organizations receive financial support from the Fund?
Yes, partner organizations working on components of CRPs may receive support from the Fund through the Lead Center that manages the CRP.
How is the CGIAR Fund evaluated?
A new mechanism for evaluating the CGIAR, including the Fund, is being designed and upon completion will be presented to the Fund Council and the Consortium Board for approval.
Is Fund money invested?
The Trustee invests Fund money in accordance with the investment policies of the World Bank.
How is investment income from contributions used?
All investment income is added to Window 1 and is allocated by the Fund Council.
Is investment income generated by the Fund taxable?
No, it is not.
Is the Fund set up as a 501(c)(3) organization?
No, it is not. The Fund is not registered in the USA but rather is a trust fund administered by the World Bank.
If you have any additional questions on the CGIAR Fund, please email us at cgiarfund@cgiar.org |